How to Make Scorpio Men Jealous

How to Make Scorpio Men Jealous

Scorpio men are known for being jealous and possessive. This is because they are a water sign, meaning they feel everything very deeply.

If you notice a scorpio man getting jealous, it’s a good indication that he has developed feelings for you. Here are some of the signs that he is jealous: 1. He’s sensitive to your relationship with your exes.

1. He’s jealous of you

Scorpio men are super jealous, and it doesn’t take much to bring out their envious side. They may start following you on social media or stalking you online. They might also ask questions about other men you interact with, especially your male friends and coworkers.

Another thing that triggers jealousy in a scorpio man is being compared to his past romantic partners. Try to reassure him that you have completely moved on from his exes.

If you think he’s jealous, have a heart-to-heart with him and explain that you weren’t cheating on him. You can even use a secretive communications tracker to infiltrate his phone and uncover any hidden social media accounts, dating profiles or criminal run-ins.

2. He’s jealous of his friends

Scorpio men are jealous of anyone who might compete with them for your attention, including your friends. He will be suspicious of your relationship with other guys, and he might even lash out at you if he thinks that you are prioritizing your friends over him.

He will also be jealous of your exes, especially if he knows that you still have feelings for them. He will want to make sure that you are completely committed to him and that you’ve moved on from your past relationships. He will be more trusting once he is convinced that you’re not flirting with any other guys.

3. He’s jealous of his ex

Scorpio men are extremely passionate people, so they get jealous easily. They don’t like hearing about you and another guy or seeing pictures of you with other men.

They are also very vengeful, so they’ll pay you back if you anger them. This can make them seem cold and distant at times.

If you’re worried about your scorpio boyfriend getting jealous, talk to him about it. Reassure him that you only have eyes for him and that you’re committed to the relationship. He will appreciate the honesty and may become less jealous in the future.

4. He’s jealous of his male best friend

Like other water signs, scorpio men are very emotional people. However, they usually hide those emotions from others. They also feel very possessive. This can make them jealous of their male best friends.

They can be suspicious of other men, especially if they have been cheated on in the past. They will take time to trust a new partner.

When a scorpio man is jealous, they can become very aggressive and confrontational. This can lead to physical conflicts. They will fight for the ones that they love. This is why it’s important to make them happy.

5. He’s jealous of your job

Scorpio men can be jealous – especially when they are in love. They tend to look at other guys as competition and will often get paranoid that their partners are cheating on them. If you find yourself in this situation, it might be helpful to reassure him that you have only eyes for him and will never cheat on him.

It can also help to compliment another guy in front of him. This works because Scorpios vibe off of magnetic intrigue and will be drawn to anyone that makes them feel this way. Just make sure that the man you compliment is someone he respects or admires!

6. He’s jealous of your hobbies

Scorpio men are a powerful sign, so they need to feel in control. If they’re not, they can become possessive and jealous. This is why it’s important to show him that you’re still interested in him.

This could mean complimenting another guy in his presence, or even fawning over his female friend. Make sure to talk with him about it before the situation escalates. It’s also important to tell him that you’re not seeing anyone else. This will help him to trust you again. He’ll know that you’re committed to him.

7. He’s jealous of your friends

The ice planet Pluto partially rules Scorpio, and it’s part of their persona to have a wandering eye. This can make men and women both jealous. When a scorpio man sees his friends flirting or hanging out with other men, it makes him very jealous.

This jealousy isn’t limited to his partners; it can also include his friends’ girlfriends. It’s because Scorpio is one of the vengeful signs, and they will pay back anyone that angers them tenfold. This is why it’s best to keep their feelings in check.