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The Best Advice for Phone Dating: Just Be Yourself

If you read dating advice or talk about the best strategies on how to date someone because you are just out of a relationship or you’re finally trying to get back into the dating pool, you may be given too much advice and you may not know how to sort through it all. But to tell it to you straight, the most important thing to do in dating and just while making new connections in general is to be yourself. If you think about it you will understand why being yourself gives you many advantages in dating.

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If you are being yourself then the people who genuinely like you and are being themselves will have the best connection and will show up on the phone lines and continue the connection. Being you shows so many positive qualities and truly attracts other people.

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Every person including you deserves a genuine connection and the way to get what you want is to give what you want. So if you want a genuine connection, be genuine. If you want to have fun, be fun. If you want someone who will truly connect with you, be yourself and there are no doubts that person will show up in your life.

Only you can be you as you are unique and special. Show who you are in your phone dates by giving yourself to the conversation. Listen to what other people have to say and see if you can find common ground with them. Talk to people about what you want and whom you are and that will give them the comfort to do the same to you. At your own pace, reveal yourself to another person in your own unique way. So go ahead and give phone dating a whirl and meet amazing people like you!