If you’ve been a slut in your early 20s, you probably didn’t have very high standards. You might have been willing to fuck any person who wanted to have a lay. Well, now that you are an adult you can still have fuck buddies but there is a more adult way to do it. The first place to start is to have your fuck sessions start on the phone. That way you don’t have to go out and try to pick up chicks when you don’t even know if they will want to hang out with you. Here are some other tips to have a more adult hook up.
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- Talk about what you like and dislike – This is something you will do on a free chat line. You will talk about your limits and boundaries, and you will find out how compatible you really are, so that when you get together in person, it’s just going to be so much fun! You will wonder why you haven’t done this before.
- Utilize the Half Night Stand Method – This is a special new development that is pretty modern. You can do a half night stand instead of a full night stand. This is where you stay for about half the night but then you go home and sleep in your own bed so you can get a good night’s sleep before you go to work the next day.
- Use protection – When you’re in your 20s and carefree, you might forgo any form of protection because you think you’re invincible. Well now that you are in your 30s, 40s or beyond, you know way better so get tested often and use protection so you can cover yourself in case anything happens!
- Stay sober – When you’re in college, partying to hook up sounds like fun, but you’ve probably already learned that can lead to some regrets. Now you can try to keep things more sober so you know that what you’re doing is what you really want to do with your phone date.