Discovering a free phone sex number is just step one. Before you call think about providing callers with a very good mental picture of yourself and describing just what you enjoy. This will definitely turn their crank. Get hard core! Now, we are getting ready to inform you several kinky tricks that will get you…
All posts in Dirty Talk
Fulfilling Public Sex Fantasies With Phone Sex
Any type of fantasy can be fulfilled through phone sex, including public sex fantasies. The benefits of using phone sex for these types of fantasies include that it can be done from the comfort of your home. The risk is minimal, and with the descriptive words, your imagination, and excellent communication, some of the hardest…
Making Your Phone Sex Even More Realistic
A large part of phone sex comes from your imagination, though many people do bring some of their real-life experiences into the mix. Making phone sex more realistic can be done in a multitude of ways, including paying attention to your environment, what you’re wearing, how you are sitting and/or laying, and a wide range…