Backpage was an online classified ad service that allowed users to sell and buy cars, audio equipment, concert tickets, and even sex workers. But it was shut down in 2018 because of its ties to prostitution and the exploitation of sex workers.
Luckily, there are many Backpage alternatives that work similarly. Some even rival the original site. Here are a few of them:
It’s free
Backpage was a classified ads website that offered a variety of services, including escorts and hookups. But after a series of cases and allegations of prostitution and sex with minors, the site was shut down. Now people are looking for a new place to find casual hookups. Some of the best alternatives to Backpage include Adult Friend Finder, Ashley Madison, and Seeking.
Unlike Backpage, many of the sites listed on this list have a clean interface. These sites allow you to communicate with other users through text, vlogs, and chat rooms. Some even offer live camming. You can also filter your preferences by gender and kinks.
Another Backpage alternative is Kasual, which has a wide range of categories, including casual encounters and sex work. However, the site is not free to use and may not be safe. While some users have used Kasual to find a date, it is important to remember that exchanging sex for money is illegal.
It’s easy to use
A lot of people were sad to see Backpage go, but now there are several options for classified ads. Unlike the controversial site that made national headlines, many of these Backpage alternatives are legal and provide a wide range of products and services. Whether you’re looking for a new car or some knick-knacks for your home, there’s something on these sites to suit your needs.
Another good Backpage alternative is Adult Friend Finder, which is advertised as “The World’s Largest Sex Dating Site and Swinger Personals Community.” This site is free to create an account, but it does require a credit card to use the full features. It also offers paid membership tiers that offer priority profiles and chatting.
Another option for classifieds is Locanto, which has categories like “Casual Encounters” and “Dating”. Beware that some ads may be sexual in nature. It is important to note that while it is legal for two people to meet for sex, exchanging sex for money is illegal and known as solictation.
It’s not scammy
The demise of Backpage means that many people are searching for alternatives to meet sex workers and hook up. While there are plenty of sites to choose from, they aren’t all created equal. Some are more trustworthy than others, and some can lead to disaster.
Before Backpage’s fall, it was a vital tool for consenting prostitutes and their johns to find each other. However, the company was also a target of federal anti-sex trafficking laws known as FOSTA and SESTA, which could have put it at risk of being shut down.
Fortunately, many Backpage-like websites have emerged to fill the void. Some of the most popular include Adult Friend Finder, Kasual, and Seeking. These sites have a number of benefits, including the ability to bang almost instantly. They also offer a safer experience than traditional sex dating apps. They can also be used by married people who want to explore a naughty side of themselves.
It’s not a rip-off
Backpage was a popular classified ad website that allowed people to post everything from electronics and cars to jobs and upcoming events. But it also became a thriving location for adult ads, including those posted by escorts and other sex workers seeking clients.
Many of these ads make references to pop culture, which can be a big red flag. For example, if an ad mentions the name of a movie or sports team, it’s probably fake. Also, if an ad asks for payment in advance, that’s another red flag.
While there are numerous sites that offer Backpage-style personal ads, three of them stand out from the rest. Seeking, Ashley Madison and Adult Friend Finder all have huge communities of users who are looking to bang. Seeking, in particular, offers a humongous number of female members. That said, there are also plenty of men here as well.